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Proudly working with funeral homes

spanning four decades!

If you have any questions, please call: 

Lin Findlay


Commander Initiative
Funeral Home Member Benefit Page

Member funeral homes will need to complete a new customer form in order to begin activating the Grief Care Library

The Grief Care Library is an added value benefit that is included with the preplanning insurance policy. 


Pre-planning Insurance with a caring difference. 

Navigating loss and grief can be very difficult for the loved ones who are left behind. Member funeral homes will activate access to the Grief Care Library upon your loved one's death. We have partnered with Mourning Discoveries, provider of The Grief Care Library.  This valuable bereavement benefit connects your loved ones to thoughtfully curated grief support content, books, videos, podcasts, a live monthly support group, grief text chat 24/7 and so much more.  Full benefits will be activated for the beneficiary, next of kin, when the death occurs. Please see "Included with the library" section below.


Instructions to activate your account:

1.  Complete a "New Customer" form.

2.  Once we receive and process your activation,  you will receive an email with your customer number and custom information. Your customer number is needed to be used on each activation. Once you approve the customization, you will be all set to begin submitting eligible users. 

3.  You can bookmark this page to easily access it to begin submitting your families. 

5.  You will be invoiced on the first of each month for the number of activations you submitted during the previous month.  The balance due is payable upon receipt. A list of monthly submissions is included with each invoice. 





Instructions to activate full use of the library for the next of kin.

1. Please complete the form: "Submit a Subscription"

2. Using your "Customer Number", please complete the form and submit.  

3. Upon receipt of the form, Mourning Discoveries will fulfill the grief care benefit by mailing a letter to the family, including instructions for use, the Grief Care Library URL and password.




Included with the Library

1. Your families will have unlimited access to over 300 resources, including, articles, digital books, a monthly live support group, 24/7 grief chat, podcasts, videos, inspirational memes and helpful links. 

2.  Nothing is ever sold to families on the library.

3.  Once you submit a subscription, we will mail a custom letter to the recipient, describing the library and naming you as the provider of use.  Included will be the library URL and an access code, password, that they will need to use to access the library.  All customization, fulfilment, printing, postage and mailing cost is included. 


Click here to learn more about the library!


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